‘World Developments and Local Populations: Cultures of Maritime London’ in A Cultural History of the Sea in the Enlightenment (Bloomsbury Academic, 2021)

‘Trading Places: Pirates and Merchants in the late 17th Century’ in The Sea. Maritime Worlds in the Early Modern Period eds Peter Burschel and Sünne Juterczenka (Böhlau, 2021)

 ‘Women and the Sea, 1600-1800’ in The Routledge Companion to Marine and Maritime Worlds, 1400-1800, eds Claire Jowitt, Craig Lambert, and Steve Mentz (Routledge, 2020)

‘Creating the Pirate Myth’ in Piracy and European Expansion in the Early Modern Period, ed. David Head (University of Georgia Press, 2018)

‘The Impact of Warfare on Naval Wives and Women’ in The Social History of English Seamen Vol. II, ed. Cheryl A. Fury (Boydell, 2017)

‘Emma and Nelson: Icon and Mistress of the Nation’s Hero’ in Seduction and Celebrity: The Spectacular Life of Emma Hamilton ed. by Quintin Colville and Kate Williams (Thames & Hudson: 2016)

‘Woodes Rogers and the War against the Pirates in the Bahamas’, in Governing the Sea in the Early Modern Era, eds. Peter C. Mancall and C. Shammas (Huntington Library Press, 2015)